It seems like a rite of passage for most kids: your first made-up language. Whether you devised it with a sibling or wrote in a diary only you could translate, there was an allure in concealing your communication in code.
The following table contains all the available sound effects in the Alexa Skills Kit Sound Library, including the audio and the SSML code for each one. After you select a row in the table, you can listen to the audio for that sound effect and copy the SSML code. You can search the table or sort it by any of the available columns.
WAR Pig - Big Bang Activation Code
The Big Bang Fair is free and runs from Wednesday 16 March to Saturday 19 March. Schools will be attending on Wednesday-Friday, with families encouraged to come down on Saturday 19 March, where the activity will be focused on careers and aimed primarily at 11-14 year olds. For more information and tickets, head to 2ff7e9595c